10 foods to avoid during diarrhea

Diarrhea is an acute case of gastrointestinal infection that causes digestive problems like loose stool and dehydration. Its other symptoms of diarrhea are stomach aches, nausea, fever, blood in the stool, etc. During this time the body suffers dehydration and gets immensely weak, particularly the digestive system. During this period, it is extremely important to take care of the food habits, foods that are heavy on the stomach should be avoided completely. Here is a list of food items that are absolutely kept away when suffering from stomach or intestinal problem.

Milk and milk products- the most important tip to follow when a person is suffering from stomach infections or diarrhea is to avoid dairy and dairy products. When a person is suffering from the disease, the level of the enzyme lactase that digests milk sugar lactose decreases in the body. Hence, even if a person is not lactose intolerant when he consumes lactose during that period may suffer from problems of gas and even worsening of the infection. Cheese, cream, ice cream, sour cream and other milk products are a big no-no.

Alcohol- consumption of alcohol is a big ‘NO’ when suffering from bowel infections because it is harmful to the epithelial lining of the stomach and can cause indigestion. Moreover, if alcohol is consumed while a person on a period of medication, it can have an otherwise impact on the health and the patient’s condition can get worse.

Meat- it is advisable not to eat meat, especially red meat when suffering from diarrhea. Red meat consists of a high amount of fiber and fiber is not easily digestible by the body, especially when a person is suffering from digestive problems. Red meat also contains chemicals and proteins that can cause inflammations in the digestive tract. Thus, a person suffering from this case should keep away from meat.

Synthetic sugars or candies- synthetic sugar or substitutes of natural sugar produces gas and bloating. Additionally, these sugars take a long time to get absorbed by the body, and when these reach the large intestines, they are often in their undigested form; this can trigger the effects of diarrhea. Stay away from artificial sweeteners, candies, diet sodas, etc.

Beverages that contain caffeine-beverages like coffee, carbonated soft drinks, and tea that contain caffeine must be avoided. High amounts of caffeine can irritate the digestive system and also cause dehydration, thus worsening the conditions of the patient suffering from the loose stool. Therefore, keeping away from such beverages is the wisest thing to do.

Leguminous seeds- leguminous seeds like beans, kidney beans, peas, soya beans are difficult to digest. These seeds and beans can cause gas and bloating, and hence irritate the digestive system. They should not be consumed on a daily basis if not possible to avoid completely.

Spicy food- foods that are rich in spices and chilies can damage the inner layer of the stomach causing a burning sensation. This can cause even bigger digestive problems, beyond cure. And it further increases the harmful impacts of diarrhea and also causes bloating, gas and acidity.

Fatty foods or junk foods- fast foods and oily foods are harmful to the health whether a person is sick or healthy. The foods rich in oil and fat are difficult to digest and hence the fat gets absorbed and stored in the body. During diarrhea the body is weak and so is the digestive system. The fatty acids

Dry fruits and nuts- dry fruits like cherries, dates, berries are difficult to digest. And nuts like almonds, cashews are hard on the stomach and causes a problem in digestion.

Vegetables that cause gas- certain vegetables contain high amounts of complex carbohydrates. These complex carbohydrates cannot be broken down easily by the body. Vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, and sprouts contain complex carbohydrates that are not easily digestible and especially when the digestive system is weak due to diarrhea it becomes even more difficult for the body to break them down. Vegetables like shallots, garlic, and onions cause inflammation and gas, and they should be kept at bay too. Vegetables like carrots, beans and green leafy vegetables like spinach are healthy alternatives as they are rich in nutrients and are light on the stomach.

Besides taking an ample rest and regular medications, it is equally important to important to keep a check on the food that you eat. Eating healthy and light food not only keeps the harmful impacts at bay but also helps you recover sooner.

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