10 Things Every Woman Wants When She is in a Relationship

Relationships are complicated. But they are somewhat necessary since we humans are social creatures and having someone as a partner is just a blessing. Finding the right partner is a tough task and managing a relationship is tougher.

Sometimes there are clashes between the couples, the major reason being misunderstandings. Mostly women are more emotional as compared to men and they seek more emotional support. Sometimes men fail to understand these things and this all results in unnecessary quarrels between the couple. There are certain things which men need to understand about women regarding what they want when they are in a relationship with you –

What women want when they are in a relationship with you 

1.Give her your time 

Every woman wants her guy to give his time to her. They expect your attention. Many men don’t take it seriously and don’t give much time to their women, this makes the woman think that they are not interested in them or don’t even care about you. Try to give her more time as this only makes her happy and more attached to you.

2. Listen to her when she talks 

Women are active talkers and there is nothing hidden about this fact. They expect their men to hear them out. Women talk about various random stuff which they want their guys to hear. They may talk about the problems they faced during their day or a friend whom they just met. They just want to let their feelings out via talking about them and expect their man listen to it patiently.

3. Understand her feelings 

A woman is a mixture of emotional ups and downs. She needs someone to talk to, express her feelings, being her guy she wants you to understand her feelings, care for them and embrace them. It makes her extremely happy to have you when you make her feel how much you care for you.

4. Appreciates her 

She needs to be appreciated on all the small things she does for you. If she cooks a meal for you, she likes it when you appreciate her for that. They enjoy those small appreciations even more than the big ones. Small joys are more important to women than bigger joys.

5. Makes her feel secured 

Women usually considered the weaker gender which is not entirely true but women do love when they feel secure due to their men. They like to feel secure, not only physically but emotionally too. They like you acting your best to protect them as if they are your precious possession.

6. Makes you laugh 

There’s nothing better for a woman than a guy who makes her laugh. A man with a good sense of humor who can make your day is women crave the most. Whenever a woman is low on mood there is nothing better for than a funny guy trying to cheer her up.

7. Respects her 

Respect is one of the major aspects of a successful relationship that makes it worth it. Women need a guy to respect them not just because they are women but because of who they are as a person. A guy who respects their views, thoughts, job, and lastly them as a whole is what a woman wants in a relationship.

8. Feels proud to have her 

A Woman wants a guy to be proud to have her. She wants you to introduce her as your girlfriend to your friends and not hide you or try to avoid you in public places. She wants you to hold her hand in public and not being afraid to claim her as yours.

9. Communicate with her 

A woman wants her man to communicate with her. Tell his problems to her, share his emotions and feelings. Communicating is very effective when done right and will only help to strengthen the bond between the two.

10. Be romantic 

Women love romance but they love romantic guys more. They expect you to be romantic, a self-cooked meal for her or a candle light dinner is all it takes.

Women are complicated but not much when you know what they want from you. They don’t have very big demands and even small acts of love are enough to make them happy.


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