20 Killer Tips To Impress a Girl On Chat

Impressing a girl has always been a tough job for a guy; it’s something you have to be very much sensible about. You have to be very smart in talking to girls; it needs a lot of courage to talk to one. As a human being we have a tendency to get stressed at places where it’s important to talk with confidence. But when we talk to them virtually on social medias it’s totally different. as we all know women are way smarter than men when it comes to talking with someone of opposite sex. In this blog, we will talk about different strategies to talk to girls on chat following which will lead you to grab their attention.

We are going to talk about 20 killer points to talk to girls on chat with smartness and which will result in impressing them. 

  1. You have to be interesting enough to talk to girls, anyone will like to talk to you when you have interesting topics to talk about.
  2. you should regularly ask her about her likes and dislikes and talk about it, and discuss it and make the conversation keep going
  3. Girls like to talk to people with same taste, you should make this as a point to note what all are the things you both have in common.
  4. Talks about the topics which will make her feel that you both have the same mentality.
  5. Confidence is something any girl will look into a man she wants to talk to, you have to reply to her in a certain way which is uncommon not cheesy and totally relatable.
  6. You should talk to her in such a way that will make her feel and think about you in a positive way.
  7. She should think that you are very ambitious and about certain things in life and you are not a waste of time, for this you should sometime talk about your passion.
  8. Girls love to talk about themselves so you should make opportunities for her, which will allow her to talk about herself and explain her way of thought process.
  9. You have to be very much patient enough while talking to girls. You should not be creepy toward her and make her feel uncomfortable.
  10. Girls like to talk guys who are calm and relaxed, chat with her in such a way that you are super confident and can tackle any problems very easily.
  11. Text her in such a way which will lead her in making think about you in certain way different from others, something related to literature or theater or anything which will make her think about you differently
  12. Girls love to talk to guys who make them happy, so they will always tend to talk to people who have a sense of humour.
  13. No one gets interested in a person who has a boring life, you should use your wit while replying to her which will easily impress her.
  14. Social media is something where people fake themselves in order to impress other, in a world of fake people you have to prove to be different and genuine.
  15. Girls always have this mentality that a guy wills always sweet talk with them to impress them, so try to make sure when you chat, you don’t talk which will make you fake.
  16. Don’t talk about her personal life until and unless you have reached the stage of talking about it.
  17. Try to make an impact on her life while you chat with her by giving some good advice to the problems she’s been facing.
  18. Chat with her daily and keep a tab on her, this way she will feel special and will create an interest talking to you.
  19. When the right time comes try to flirt with her in a certain way that she will not feel uncomfortable and create genuineness in the conversation.
  20. When you make her comfortable talking to you, make her believe about your genuine feelings about her you can at last ask her out.


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