5 Detox Drinks that can help you lose weight easily

Many times due to unavoidable circumstances people put on weight which might be very hard to get rid of. There are many ways available on the Internet for losing weight but the easiest and fastest way to lose weight is by drinking detox water.

What is detox water?

Detox water is a water mixed with other ingredients which help your body to get rid of toxins. It can be prepared in numerous ways which helps to flush out the harmful toxins out of your body, which also helps to get rid of fats stored in the body. Since water is one of an essential thing required for our survival after oxygen, drinking it is necessary. But adding other things to it which can even help you to lose your extra weight would just be an added benefit.

How does detox water work?

The human body is made up of 70% water. Water not only helps to hydrate your body but it also helps to make it toxin free. Detoxed water can have different benefits depending upon what kind of ingredients are added to it. Different ingredients have different effects on our body and you can prepare them as per your need. Like many detox drinks have citrus fruits in them which are very rich in Vitamin C, these drinks can be a healthy alternative to energy drinks. Read below and know which detox drinks help you to lose weight –

Detox drinks to lose weight

The slim down detox – This detox recipe mainly contains lemon, cucumber and apple or grapefruit depending on your choice. The Tangy taste of lemons is balanced by the cucumbers providing a well-balanced flavour which can be enhanced by the addition of apple or grapefruit as per your taste. The lemon provides Vitamin C which helps to flush down toxins and energize your body. It is also a healthy dose of antioxidants which helps to get rid of toxins too.

Orange & blueberry detox – This detox drink is not only tasty to drink but also beautiful to look at. Keeping the beauty aside it is also a very powerful drink to lose weight in a short period of time. The blueberries contain antioxidants which help to remove toxins and the oranges help to provide a good amount of vitamin C to the body. Water is still the key to drink. Make sure you at least add 300 ml of water to the mixture of fruits.

Ginger & lemon mix – If there’s any magic elixir to lose weight fast then this is it. It is extremely simple to prepare and also works amazingly well. Take a part of ginger about a centimetre and add it to 300 ml of water and squeeze a fresh lemon in it. The citrus fruit lemon helps to improve digestion and ginger contains gingerol which is a great detoxifying agent which gets your body rid of the toxins.

Watermelon Detox – Watermelon itself is rich in water to an amazingly 90% of watermelon, which is just pure water. Mixing it more water only makes it more beneficial. Watermelon has been known as a great source of lycopene which is an extraordinarily good detoxification agent. Watermelon also helps to improve the blood flow throughout the body. Watermelon is also known to show anti-inflammatory properties which is very much beneficial for people with digestion problems leading to acne and face problems.

Honey Detox – Honey, on its own is a miracle of a medicinal food item, Mixing with water only makes it better. Honey contains a lot of fatty acids which promote the intestinal contractions which help to improve the digestion. It also contains many absorbable nutrients and minerals which help our body to be in a good nutritional balance. Moreover, the water helps to get rid of the toxins in our body. This detox drink also helps to makes the skin clean and shiny.

Gaining weight is pretty easy as compared to losing it. It can be really challenging to lose the weight you’ve gained. Try the above given detox drinks and lose the desired amount of weight within a few days.

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