Top 15 home remedies to get red & soft lips naturally

The first things we notice when describing a person, their beauty or their features, are their eyes and nose, their facial structure and their smile. The lips of a person make the difference between a smile and an amazing smile. Lips are one of the most underrated parts of the body that are exposed to all kinds of things – pollution, dry or cold weather, intensely used chemicals and ofcourse makeup. Nothing looks worse than a chapped lip and most often we do not spare enough time to look after it. They, however, do not need excess care, time or energy to look beautiful. If you are a person who is looking for solutions to make your lip fresh and inviting, here are a few home remedies that not only make them soft and healthy but also red and fuller than before adding to that special glow and making your smile one in a million.

What can be done?

Lips often endure a lot of the torture you put on it making it look dull and lifeless when observed. There are a lot of items lying around your household that could vamp up that smile and make you more attractive than you already are.

Lemon Juice – Lemon juice contains citric acid that acts as a natural bleaching agent. Applying lemon juice to the lip helps reduce thedarkness of the lips allowing the true color to surface. Applying It for 15 minutes before bath and then rinsing it off with water everyday shows almost immediate results within a week.

Honey – If you suffer from dry, chapped lips, honey is here to your rescue. It provides the essential moisture to the lip while cleaning out the dirt from it, making it look fresh, soft and red. It provides vital nutrients to the lips giving it a glow. It improves the texture of the lip and efficiently battles tanning. Toachieve quicker results, you can even apply it quite a few times around the day.

Glycerine – Due to lack of care and attention, our lips often become dry and looks dark and dull. Glycerine solves this problem. Applying glycerine on the lips provide it the moisture it lacks and nourishes the skin since it is almost 4 times thinner than any other part of the body. Apply it at night before going to bed and wake up with baby soft lips in the morning.

Beetroot juice – Beetroot works wonder on lips much to the wonder of all of us. It is filled with nutrition that efficiently nourishes the lip. Applying beetroot juice 3-4 times a day naturally brings out a glow and gives the lip a red color making it look very attractive. It can also work as a natural lipstick If applied and allowed to dry before leaving the house.

Cucumber – Cucumber cures cracked lips and dryness of it making it smooth and soft.

Coconut Milk – Coconut milk wondrously cures dryness of lips. Applying it before going to bed helps make lips look red and fuller than before.

Pomegranate seeds – Pomegranate seeds are a secret to having beautifully red lips. Applying it at night regularly for a week makes your lips beautifully punk and lush.

Coriander – Coriander has properties that help in the treatment of discoloration and pigmentation which when applied as a mask on the lip makes them naturally red and beautiful.

Almond Oil – Almond oil is another ingredient that is not known to many. When used in mixture with lemon juice, it nourishes the lips and cures dryness.

Strawberry – Strawberry acts as an excellent exfoliating scrub that removes the dead skin layers that make the lips look dull and lifeless, making them look bright, red and nourished.

Aloe Vera – Gel extracted from the aloe vera tree is a magical medicine for dry and cracked lips. Regular application not only makes them soft but also keeps them moisturized and makes them look red.

Rose petals – Crushed rose petals with chilled milkgive the naturally red hue to the lips one is looking for. In fact, they are often used to with glycerine to make organic lipsticks.

Tips – Besides the above-mentioned remedies, you should rub your lips with a toothbrush to rid it of dead skins and make it look fresh and bright. Regular application of lip balms prevents the lips from getting chapped and keep it hydrated making you put less effort on them.

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