Trending Men’s Beard Styles 2017

There is a huge variety of beard styles of choose from. When it comes to choosing a specific beard style for you, you need to consider a lot many factors. Distinct face shapes requires different beard styles. What may look good on you may not suit others. Therefore, in this article, we will be sharing a guide on different beard style and who are the perfect match for these beard styles.


This prominent beard style was popularized by Eric Bandholz, who is also the founder of Beardbrand. This beard style is perfect match for those who have triangle, inverted triangle, oval, oblong or diamond face shape. Creating this beard look requires patience. Depending upon your hair growth, it may take you several months to achieve the desired look. Hence, in that time, keep away scissors or razors away.


Clean Shave

Clean Shave is one such trend which will never go out of fashion. This is suitable for those who do not like growing hair and wants to keep it clean and tidy. If you are a part of the corporate world, then this would be your best beard style. Also, according to some surveys, it has been known that women prefer men who shave regularly.


Circle Beard

Circle beard style is another very common and sophisticated style for men who want to keep it minimal. It makes great option for men who want to grow little beard and at the same time look presentable. This style would help you look presentable without letting go off your beard.  This style suits men who have oval or round face shapes.


Full Beard

This is the much preferred beard style by men. It not only symbolizes manlilism but also makes you look attractive and accentuates your facial features.  Full beard style goes perfect with diamond, triangle, or inverted triangle face shapes.  For this look, you need to grow your hair until you get the desired look. Then shape it using a razor.



This is not basically a beard style but a mustache. This style was popular during the second Empire but is seen worn passionately by men in the present age as well.  This style can be incorporated with the sideburns or chin beards. For this look, you can keep the beard simple so that imperial mustache highlights the prominent features of your face. Imperial style goes perfect with rectangular or oblong face shapes.



Again, handlebars is not a beard style but looks amazing when paired with a long beard. This style goes well with any face shape. In order to get it amazing look, you just need to grow your beard for about 4 inches below your chin. Grow your mustaches same way and use wax to shape them up. Using a wax, you can point, twist or curl them so that they attain the shape “w”.  Pair this look with neat and clean long trimmed beard.


Short Tapered Beard

This beard style when done right can accentuate your personality so well. In order to get this look, cut your hair short and into defined lines at the edges. Blend your mustaches finely into the beard and keep the meeting point of the beard and mustaches at a uniform length. This beard style goes well with round and oval face shapes.

Those were several trending beard styles 2017. Keeping a beard definitely requires patience, time and care.  Once you have got the desired look, take good care of your beard. Keep it clean so that bacteria do not find a place to breed in.  Clean it with a mild shampoo and conditioner.



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