What are Differences Between Carbohydrates, Protein And Fat?

The classification of all the elements required for our body might be confusing owing to the wide varieties of sources they come from. Similarly, carbohydrates, proteins, and fat are also different and are necessary for the body. Each one of them has its own function and are required by the body in different proportions to get the body working properly. Each serves a different purpose and are categorized under the common umbrella of macro-nutrients. Macronutrients are those nutrients which are required by the body in macro quantities and thus the name. The classification of these three can be done as –


Carbohydrates are needed to fuel our body to work properly. These consists of single sugar units which are called as monosaccharides, double sugar units called as disaccharides and multiple sugar units termed as polysaccharides. Carbohydrates contain different subjects such as sugar, starch and fibers. It can be the common table sugar or fruit sugar. The starch part can come from potatoes or bread and is made up of polysaccharides. The fibers are the undigested part of the carbohydrates that helps the digestive system. Fibers help to slow down the blood sugar metabolism and keeps our cholesterol level normal.


The main work of proteins is to keep the muscles and glands in the body healthy. Proteins are made of multiple small molecules called as amino acids. It consists of about 20 different amino acids, which are mixed in different combinations to create a large array of different molecules which supports everyday processes in your body. Proteins when digested results in a single pool of amino acids which are modified by the body to suit its needs. The protein molecules carry out many different tasks like building up muscles and organs, help in creating new molecules and transmitting signals between different cells. The primary source of proteins is meat, nuts, seeds, fish, and vegetables.


Fats are a very important constituent of the body and serve important functions for the body. They are storage house for the energy required for our body. Whenever the body is in need of more energy it starts breaking down the fat molecules and convert them into glucose, which provides instant energy to the body. Fat is also essential to process the vitamins present in the body. Sometimes the body also uses the fat in the body to store toxins for a small period until they are carried out of the body. Not all types of fats are healthy for the body. The unsaturated or trans-fats are the ones which should be avoided. These types of fats are usually found in fast foods, baked foods, and some animal meats.Whereas the other type of fats is the unsaturated fats which are healthy for the body. Avocados, nuts, olives are great natural source of such fats.

Though all these three substances are essential for the body, they should always be taken in appropriate amounts and a good balance in their proportions should be maintained in your diet. Green leafy vegetables, chicken, eggs, nuts all these could help to constitute a healthy diet with appropriate amounts of all nutrients and macro-nutrients. Fast food and obsessive eating should be avoided as excessive unhealthy fats can lead to cardiac diseases due to an increase in cholesterol amounts in the body.


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