Dressing Hacks for Men with Shorter Heights

Have you heard the phrase ever that good things come in small packages? So if you are aware of it then probably you should not feel bad if your height is less. Show it a thumb & brag on how much cool & comfortable you can be with your height. It hardly matters whether you are tall or short, all matters is how you tend to present yourself in front of others. So here are few simple dressing hacks for men with shorter heights which will help them to stand tall in public.

  • Go monochromatic – Well this is the very basic thing you can do. Instead of going for dichromatic colors choose the monochromatic ones. This actually helps you to get a slicking appearance. Wearing dark monochromatic colors creates a kind of illusion of height in which your short height goes unnoticed. Wear preferably dark shaded trousers or pants with your light colored shirts it makes you look tall!
  • It all about being vertical – Yes you all know that wearing horizontally patterned dress makes you look fat & small where as wearing vertically patterned clothes makes you look tall & slim. So men/boys with short heights you need not worry anymore. Try out dresses with vertical patterns & you shall stand tall in the crowd!
  • Handle it – Yes it might be tough being a ‘man’ to get along with the fact that your height is less than the others, but do not ever let this fact to determine who you are. If you allow this fact to overburden you then it will weigh on you so much that it will end up making you shorter with time. Next, if you have a tailor who stitches or alters your clothes ask him to make your dress or suit fitting your body so that when you wear them it reveals the contours of your body perfectly. Also, ask him to alter your jacket so that you can have a considerable amount of sleeve cuffs. These simple tricks do make you look elegant as well as tall too!
  • Bright hues –  Bright colors suits mostly everyone. Men having short height can go for bright colors. Just follow this simple trick that if your shirt or formals are of light color, your trousers or pants should be comparatively darker in color. You can choose from quite few dark & bright shades like black, blue, brown or even red!
  • Make it up – You must be tired of experimenting with different kind of dresses which would make you looks tall. Leave aside those for a moment & just focus of this tit bits which can provide a sharp edge to your look. Accessories such as hats, pointed shoes, short hair & a goggle can work wonders to your look also. Just do not go for belts as it can make you look all smaller.
  • Wise shoes – Yes apart from all these, shoes also help a lot to determine your height. Try not to wear sneakers or other kind of flat shoes instead go for boots. Boots not only makes you feel tall but also looks smart.
  • Fit it slim – Say no to baggy dresses! No more wearing baggy or loose or ill fitted dress anymore because it hampers your look & make you look small. Instead one should go for slim fitted cloths that no longer makes one feel short instead makes you look tall enough even in the crowd.

 So these are just a few things one should keep in mind while dressing up. Being short in height does not mean you can not dress up well. Your presentation matters that’s all. You can even feel tall & stand out in the crowd & also manage to look good at the same time. All you have to keep in mind is that do not allow your ego to take it from you. Keep these funky tips & walk out in style there!


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