How to deal with postpartum hair loss using these home remedies

Pregnancy is a very confusing and difficult time for soon to be mothers. They have to deal with cramps, stomach aches, mood swings, random cravings for food and strict consumption of healthy food but amidst all the negatives of pregnancy, women often feel confident about themselves, have a radiant glow in them and are most often excited about their hair which becomes thick and lustrous.

What is postpartum hair loss?

Pregnancy causes a massive release of oxygen in the body that gives it the glow and keeps the hair cycle in a growth phase. The hormonal changes in the body prevent hair from falling making it look thick and lustrous. But this feeling of wonderment often ceases right after the young one is born. All the hair that seemed to have made you look pretty, start falling off and that too at an alarming rate. This is what is called postpartum hair loss.

Why does it happen?

Postpartum hair loss is a common phenomenon every woman faces right after the child is born and like every concerned woman, they have a new subject to worry about besides their baby pooping the diaper and puking the food. If you are one such woman desperately looking for an answer as to why then let me tell you there is nothing to be concerned about. The increased level of estrogen in the body prevent hair fall during pregnancy but once the baby is out, the body goes through a turmoil both physically and hormonally. The sudden drop in estrogen in the body causing the hair follicles to move into the resting stage consequently falling out. It’s a very common for this to go on for 6 months or even up to a year. Medical attention is advised if it continues further.

What to do?

Now, you are a woman in distress completely clueless about what is happening and what to do about this preposterous matter at hand. Unfortunately, there is not much that can be done but there are definitely certain remedies that help you bring it under control. The body will recover from all this but the texture of the hair might change leaving it oily, dry, lumpy or even broken. Simple changes in lifestyle goes a long way to promote healthy hair. Following are a few out of the kitchen hacks to save those keratins on your head without having to spend on anything extra or even go outside of your home with your toddler.

  • Mineral deficiency – the root is the place from the where the hair-fall occurs so it is better to start off by concentrating there. Since your body has broken itself apart to create another complete human being, it is not surprising that your body is deficient in nutrients. Consume regular supplements of iron, zinc, Vitamin C and Vitamin B as they help stop hair fall. Consuming diets filled with sprouts, nuts and vegetables go a long way to solve the problem. Protein, iron, and calcium are a must in your diet.
  • Egg whites and curd – applying a hair pack of egg whites and olive oil helps prevent breakage of hair. The curd is a very good hair conditioner that not only arrests excess hair fall but also improves its quality. Adding curd to the diet is also very helpful.
  • Amla– also known as Indian gooseberry has been nourishing hair for time immemorial. It is a very powerful tonic that helps control hair fall when applied either as a paste, boiled in oil or even directly consumed as a fruit.
  • Coconut – coconut is one of the best items there is that helps you regain your hair. Besides arresting the constant hair fall, it makes the thicker and shinier giving it more volume.
  • Flax seeds – they are very rich in omega 3 and fatty acids. Incorporating flax seeds in the regular diet helps the hair roots grow stronger and significantly reducing hair fall while the sufficient amount of fiber helps clear the stomach keeping you all round healthy.
  • Medical oils – proper and regular oil massage increases blood circulation in the scalp making the hair roots stronger and checking hair-fall. Medical oils like Mahabringraj, arnica or amla oil highly augment hair growth. Rosemary oil is beneficial as it proves oxygen to the hair roots.

Maintaining a healthy diet, avoiding the use of chemical dyes and styling tools and staying stress-free is most important in the process as a deficiency in diet or stress can only worsen postpartum hair fall.

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