10 benefits of waking up early in the morning

Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. This is a nursery rhyme that we are all aware of. Our mothers have been harping the same story in our ears. And definitely, we have failed to pay the least amount of heed to all her advises. But how beneficial is waking up early in the morning? Is it at all beneficial? Does the fresh dawn air have any positive effect on the body? Does our brain respond to the early morning freshness more than the late night charm? Let us scroll below to know more about the benefits of waking up early in the morning.

10 benefits of waking up early in the morning

10 benefits of waking up early in the morning are as follows:

  • Freshness: The early morning air is fresh and comparatively freer of pollution than the air during the day time or later during the day. This makes the availability of oxygen in its purest form. This supply of pure and unpolluted oxygen makes the body function in a much better way than during the later part of the day.
  • Productivity: It has been observed in several types of research that people who wake up early in the morning are more productive during the day. The reason could be the better availability of oxygen or it could also be the longest time period that they have at their disposal to finish off their tasks. People who wake up early in the morning are generally better planners.
  • Balanced sleep mechanism: As the nursery rhyme suggests, in order to wake up early in the morning, you need to sleep early too. So, this getting to bed early and waking up early creates a well-balanced sleep mechanism in the body. You might feel grumpy in the initial periods but gradually you would feel better.
  • Well beginning of the day: The whole of the previous night when you were asleep for 6 to 8 hours, your body was on a fast. So once you wake up, you need to break that fast with the breakfast. A day begun with a good breakfast is a day well begun. So, when you wake up early in the morning, you actually have time to have a proper breakfast. When you skip your breakfast, you tend to eat more or crave for unhealthy food, thereby disrupting the balance of the body.
  • Exercise: When you wake up early in the morning you actually have sufficient time for a good exercise that freshens up your body. Thus, you are able to attain a healthy body as well as a healthy mind.
  • Well planned day: Waking up early in the morning gives you sufficient time to plan your activities during the day and you need not hurry to your work place. You can plan your daily schedule and take your time to reach the work.
  • Peaceful environment: The environment and atmosphere during the early morning hours are very peaceful and without any noise or distractions. The surrounding is calm and serene. And the chirpings of the birds actually help you to concentrate more. So, you are able to concentrate in whatever you do.
  • Concentration power: Waking up early in the morning helps you to concentrate on your work. This could be due to the peaceful environment that is available during the dawn hours. Your brain is able to focus more and in a much-planned way.
  • More productive time: When you wake up early in the morning, you actually have more time to work at your disposal. So, you are able to finish all the assigned tasks for the day in an organized manner.
  • A sacred feeling: When you wake up early in the morning, the first rays of the sun and the calm and noiseless atmosphere make you feel very different. Your whole body and mind is refreshed and you feel sacred and divine. Your mind is filled with a kind of positivity that drives you to achieve the tasks of the day. Moreover, you can feel yourself to be a part of nature.

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