5 Signs That You Are Overstressed

5 Signs That You Are Over stressed

Stress is something that is just not good for our physical as well as mental health. There can be so many reasons like exhausting work schedule, overthinking,…

This is How You Can Cure Smelly Feet/ Foot Odor

This is How You Can Cure Smelly Feet/ Foot Odor

Summer season is soaring and elevated temperatures are making you sweat badly even not sparing your feet. Foot odor can be embarrassing but fortunately, there are several…

Every Man Should Know These Things Before Shaving Down Below

Every Man Should Know These Things Before Shaving Down Below

Shaving down the belt is not only important from the personal cleanliness point of view but is also a need from woman to have men waxed or shaved….

Tips to Avoid Hair Fall this Rainy Season

Tips to Avoid Hair Fall this Rainy Season

 Monsoon is a pleasant season, but it is not as pleasant for our hair. There are a lot of reasons that can cause hair fall like stress,…

5 healthy habits that can change your life significantly

5 healthy habits that can change your life significantly

Do you know what is more painful in a daily routine life? Well, sticking to a new healthy habit which is going to be beneficial to us…

Hair Care Tips for Color Treated Hair

Hair Care Tips for Color Treated Hair

Many women love to experiment with coloring their hair.  Not only coloring is fun, but it also gives you instant makeover.  The idea of coloring your hair…

This is What Happens if You Apply Baking Soda to your Face

Baking soda and face? No match? If you are thinking that we are going to share some bake and cake recipe here, then you are wrong my…