How to treat moles/warts naturally?

Who does not want to look beautiful? Or have a skin that is free from any kind of moles or warts or any marks. Today everyone wants a ‘no mark’ skin. One is able to get rid of pimples & blemishes at one point of time naturally or by using chemical products, but what if your face is covered with a few tiny moles/warts here & there?  Well then here are few natural ways by which you can treat your moles/warts & leave your skin mark free.

Home remedies to treats moles and warts naturally

  • Apply Garlic – Yes you heard it right! Garlic can do wonders. It is one of the most effective natural ingredients that help you to get your moles removed, as this key ingredient contains the enzyme in itself which actually helps to break down the group of pigment producing a cell, i.e. responsible for moles. All you have to do is to crush a garlic clove & apply it to the mole & leave it for few hours or you can even leave it for overnight. To ensure that the thing stays in its position secure it with a cotton or bandage so that it can be on the affected area. This natural ingredient is said to have worked wonders over a short period of time.
  • Apply apple cider vinegar – This natural ingredient is believed to be very effective in removing moles. As you can well understand that vinegar has acidic content in itself which is known to have work on any kind of skin pigmentation or marks. Put some vinegar on the cotton ball & apply it on the affected are, to secure its position, put a medical tape or bandage & leave it over night. Continue this process for quite a few days & you are bound to get the desired result.
  • Apply Castor Oil – This is another natural ingredient that helps you to get rid of moles/warts naturally. This ingredient is known to dilute & stop the growth of the pigmentation. All you have to do is that mix a few drops of castor oil with baking soda & with one aspirin. Apply the mixture to the affected area & leave it until it dries off completely. Do this quite for some time; it will gradually take off your moles/warts.
  • Apply Iodine – A pinch of iodine can do miracles. Iodine is known to remove the clusters that form the pigmentation as well as destroy those cells responsible for mole/warts. You can get iodine from any chemist shop. All you have to do is first cleanse the area & pour a few drops of iodine on the mole/warts & leave it over night. For better results leave it as long as you can. Iodine will do its work but would probably leave behind a stain which can be removed if you apply petroleum jelly or coconut oil.
  • Apply pineapple juice – This time instead of helping yourself with a glass of pineapple juice use it as a natural ingredient to get rid of moles/warts. The juice of pineapple lightens your mole pigmentation hence making it less noticeable. Just follow these steps & your mole/warts will start to fade out eventually over time. Take a ball of cotton & dip it into the pineapple juice, apply on the mole/warts & leave it over night so that it can work well. Repeat this process many times in one day for several weeks & see the results all by yourself. The fresh the juice of the pineapple is the better & faster it works on those mole/warts

Those were five natural tips by which you can get your mole/warts removed within a month or so. These ingredients are much readily available in any grocery shop so it would not be quite a problem to procure them. Don’t get impatient as these ingredients being natural take bit of a time to show its effect but surely does after a point of time. As compared to other methods they do not have any side effect that will harm your skin.

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