Which is better? Sprinting or distance running
In this fast-paced lifestyle, staying fit has become essential yet difficult to achieve because of the time shortage or the busy schedules. In order to keep your…

15 rules everyone should follow at the gym
Who doesn’t want to have a lean and perfect figure nowadays? In fact, if we make a list of the most famous New Year resolutions then ‘going…

Why crash diet is a bad option?
Many times you need to get in shape and lose weight. Normally you can do it by many different ways but if you are preparing for a…

What foods you need to avoid if you want six packs
If you have been working out daily on your abs muscles but still haven’t achieved the desired result then something is definitely wrong. Many people have the…

Best ways to get rid of your love handle
The disadvantages and the problems of obesity are well known. The development of love handles in men is one of the effects of obesity. In this circumstance,…

10+ home remedies & exercises to get rid of facial fat in natural way
Fat loss is the current fad that has taken over the world, affecting people from every age group. The main reasons for this are the current unhealthy…

How to grow bigger butts?
Want to have round & big butts? And that too in a short period of time without much exercise? Then your main focus should be gluteus maximus…

Top 10 Fitness and Diet Myths
Are you one of them, who are looking to lose some of the extra pounds? Trying to get suggestion about doing the same? Do get all the…

20 Benefits Of Doing Yoga Daily
Yoga is a practice of spirituality, physicality, and mentality which was first practiced in ancient India. in 21st century. The practice of yoga has widely spread throughout…